What is the world, if not for art?

For all that we’ve witnessed as a population, for all that we’ve grown into as humans, we owe more than we imagine, to the power of art. In the paintings that adorned cave walls of pre historic times to the powerful grafitti that stands the test of time on the Berlin wall, art has been a weapon of emotions.

It may sound surprising when we list them down, but art has been so normalised into our lives, that we often fail to recognise it adequately. In the smile of a child, in the bangles that adorn hands, in the clothes we wear, to the way we eat, there’s an art of doing everything; an art in everything. And it hits you like a train that it is absolutely impossible to take art of out of our lives.

From being a support system for those with ailnesses to conveying powerful emotions of love and peace, art has done it all. For countries in hostility, people have found ways to establish peace through music, paintings and literature. For the oppressed, art becomes an outlet to convert historic rage into positive change. And subtly and powerfully, art hits us right where it is supposed to.

Art, therefore becomes liberation. It becomes a voice for those silenced and a solace for the ailing. It becomes an inevitable part of our life as an individual and our progress as a community. We are the art.

BA Honours Economics
Lady ShreeRam College, New Delhi


20 Feb

From rough sketching to animation world

Years ago, to skip those boring classes and portions of school, I used to draw chibi drawings of teacher’s faces and jokes in the class on the back pages of the notebook, but I didn’t think about it much beyond that time. Today, years later, when I start watching anime again at the suggestion of […]

23 Jun

The Healing Power of Art

Art, is not just the beauty it creates, it is also the feeling it brings. More than the entertainment it provides, it is an expression of our soul. Where, words become hard to express, art is like a breath of fresh air.

23 Jun

Why not art at this age ?

Age, a major barrier in our society. We ourselves have set up limits for everything and that includes our age too. The rigid social routines have moulded people in such a way that after their 40s and 50s they …